Wednesday, June 3, 2009


there are billions upon billions of galaxies in the universe.
there are even more stars within those galaxies.
and we are one.
one planet to one star.
one star to one solar system.
to one galaxy.
one galaxy in billions of billions.
in a cosmic blanket of matter and mass and celestial stardust.
so what does that make us?
what does that make this sentence?
this word?
this letter?
these hands?
these fingers?
this body?
this mind?
this heart?
this life?
what makes me me and you you?
what makes this?
what makes that?
a grain of sand on a beach
of billions of grains of sand.
i'd like to know
what it's like
to feel the electric charge of thought
before it's being thought
to peer into black holes
to swim in synaptic gaps
to see the end
and know that we were right all along
because it was a beach all along
and we were okay with that
because we loved
we laughed
we lived
like tiny stars in a galaxy
in a universe of tiny galaxies.

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